decide to visit the famous site of Macchu Picchu. Arabed, marina's
nephew comes with us. Today, it is very expensive to visit Machu Picchu.
We have to use a train ... This company is british and managed by
chilean. They are in a monopolistic situation, so the prices are crazy.
It is possible to by-pass the train but there are a lot of
constraints. With the children and as it is the raining season we decide
to take the train in Ollantaytambo. We stay there for one night.
Ollantaytambo is the old fortress which
looked for the way of the Machu Picchu.
arrive in Agua Calientes for one night before to visit Machu Picchu. The site
has been discovered in 1911 by the american Hiram Bingham. Agua
Calientes is situated just at the feet of the Machu Picchu mountain.

leaves during the night in order to be able to see the site without the
tourists ( every day between 2000 and 3000 tourists visit the Machu
Picchu ). He discovers nearly alone the
fantastic ruins. It is the raining season and ... it rains. The
visibility is poor but the spectacle is even greater ...

9 am, Catherine and the children arrive. The rain stops and the
visibility becomes better. The site is splendid. The city is on the top
of a mountain with terraces built around a main square and linked
together with stairs. All around we can see other mountains and a river
flowing to the Amazonia ...

The lost city of Machu Picchu is really
incredible. Pizzaro has looked for it many years without being able to
find it ... It is still a mysterious city ... As the inca civilisation,
the Machu Picchu has not yet revealed all its secrets ...
the visit is ended, we are all tired ...