
Southafrica - from Kimberley to Uppington - April 2007

The "big hole" in Kimberley ... It' s here where the De Beers diamont empire is born.

The mine was active from 1871 to 1914 and 2,7 tons of diamants have been extracted out of  22,5 million tons of stones...


The old town has been rebuilt with the original buildings...




The bank and the 'saloon' ...

The houses of the miners ...







Behind the door, more than 3500 true diamants ... PIctures are not allowed here for security reasons...







Diamants diggers...








Not easy to make pic's of birds !



The children prepared a show for us In Uppington : 'Le livre maléfique'. Fantastic !

The final sentence : 'We hope that you have not eaten all the pop corns that you prepared and that there is still some coke left for us...'

'Orange River'. Sacha is a real angler now.
